What are the exercises for closing the larynx?
The larynx-closure exercise can help you swallow better. These exercises can help you strengthen your larynx muscles with practice. Your larynx, also known as your voicebox, is the throat portion of your throat. Before you swallow, make sure you have your food in the right size, shape, consistency. The material you swallow passes through your mouth to the pharynx. The food is then passed through a tube called the esophagus. It then enters your stomach through the esophagus. Your lungs are surrounded by air as you breathe. Air moves from your mouth to your pharynx. The epiglottis is a flap that moves when you swallow to stop food particles entering your larynx. This movement is made possible by the larynx muscles pulling upwards. They also close tightly during swallowing. They prevent food from getting into your lungs. Swallowing requires a series coordinated actions from the muscles in these areas. They may not always...