The Fitness Divide

I nearly punched someone in the gymnasium.

In some ways, it's a shame that I didn’t. Only by doing this, one of the recent fitness trends would have been made worse.

I was going to the gym on a weekend lifting weights. Although it was busier than usual, the gym was very busy for that time of day. There was a lot of movement on the floor.

At the same spot, you can do burpees as well bench presses and butt shakes. (And yes, there was someone actually shaking their toes doing some type of amazing dance workout.

This one guy stood out from all the rest. He was wearing an oversized beanie with half of his head covering the other, which was delicately hanging out. He was lean and muscular. The only thing that could have caused him to pop into the room was that he was constantly interfacing with these two seemingly beginners.

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I turned my headphones off and listened to the beanie make fun of someone who was weaker than me. The beanie lifted up his shirt, showing his 6-pack to overweight man, then stated, "This's how it's supposed o look in here."

I've seen lots of dumb things in the gymnasium.

In many ways, my stupidity has contributed to it. In 2009, I forgot to pay attention when moving weight plates were being lifted. Naturally, I took a plate weighing 45 pounds and shoved it into my mouth. (This was not my best moment. I broke my front teeth. The plates had become one with my teeth after I had slammed them so hard. It could be described as my attempt to master grillz.

Everyone has seen dumb stuff at the gym. It can be funny to joke about it.

It's important to know the difference between making fun of beginners and creating a culture in which they feel alienated or that is judged for every decision they make.

It is easy to think that they need thicker skin. You don't have to be a baby. But, we can't put ourselves in their shoes or tell them how to feel.

It can be daunting to go to the gym, especially for people who are not comfortable with their body or the culture of the gym. Some people will say that the gym can be intimidating, especially if people are judging you. But, this is something that many popular fitness brands have addressed.

CrossFit is the best. CrossFit allows you to be open-minded about programming and injuries. Is it possible that P90X is so popular because of this? At home, you don't need to go to the gym.

We often attempt to understand why so many people aren’t in better health and can’t get to the gym.

People are sometimes called lazy.

They may lack motivation.

Be persistent in your belief that there is not enough time.

All of these may be true.

Yet, every year, many people make a fresh start and find themselves being pushed aside. Instead of laughing at, mocking or insulting others who are doing the same things we were, it is better to encourage them to learn and be comfortable.

This is serious. Many people feel the gym doesn't suit them. Is it possible to be too sensitive? No doubt. This threat is real for many and it is overwhelming.

Truth is, once people stop worrying about their appearance or being ridiculed, they will be able to work hard, kick others, and make improvements. It is time to stop being judgmental and condescending.

People who love to lift weights and spend much time in the gym don't necessarily need to feel more welcome. We need to respect their training style and let them do what is best for them, whether they're pushing a sled or going heavy on the weights. Many others may be new to this and feel uncomfortable but they still want this-a healthy, fit, and active lifestyle.

All of us must ensure that we all are on the same page.

Fitness is more than just for you. It includes the Crossfitters. The Crossfitters. Yes, I have opinions on what is most effective and best.

But, I'd rather see someone find their way doing something than settle for a sedentary existence and health problems.

Fitness is something that we all need. Let's draw the lines, let's open the doors for all and let everyone pick the option that is most comfortable. That's how fitness will thrive.

I encourage everyone to open their doors. This is what #BeTheChange stands for. Let's make a difference!


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